Xcalibur Farms

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Just some bad news to report-Due to the series of hurricanes that came through the area in 2004, we lost a number of good horses due to injuries received. The barn collapsed and the roof, as well as some other materials, was lost due to the high winds.
In addition to the storms, we were just getting back up on our feet when our only two weanlings, Huey and Jesse, were attacked, mauled and subsequently had to be put down due to a predator which entered into the round pen and went about trying to slaughter them.  Wounds included at least two distinct ones with 3 and 4 long scratch marks of 7-8 inches in length. Wounds were also bi-lateral in design for the most part. It is at this time, unclear as to the culprit but the wounds appeared to be from a large cat rather than a dog. Indications point to a Florida panther which had been seen for some time over the years. Prints 4" wide were found near the bodies and the night before the neighbor heard the 'yelling' the cats are known for in the woods next to our pasture. Another foal was attacked some 12 miles from my farm within days. A trapper was hired and sighted with the aid of night vision glasses, a female with 2 cubs. A large male was seen entering and leaving the barn on this other farm.
Last year, 2003, we lost an older weanling to a similar attack. He had a chunk removed from his croup and one of our dogs was dead within 6 feet of him. It appears that the attacks at both times, 2003 and 2004, were in the months of late November to late December. After the first attack, we were unsure of the animal responsible and subsequently just buried the baby. We assumed it was killed by coyotes since the pasture area behind us had contained and grazed out over 100 head of cattle for years but had been cleared and livestock removed just the year before.
At this time, we have only 4 of the original horses left and until this problem is solved, we will be unlikely to bring many more home.


"CHANCE"  is maturing quite nicely now and has begun his training. And he has been checking out the girls! He will be offered to a limited book. Contact us if your are interested in more information on this gentle young colt.